How to Unclog a Drain With Baking Soda and Vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar can break down mineral deposits that build up in sink drains and cause blockages.

Sinks are a workhorse in the kitchen, but over time, they can accumulate with food waste, oil, coffee grounds, and other debris and result in a blockage. If your sink has a minor clog, there are two products that will keep you from calling the plumber: baking soda and vinegar. The common household products can easily break down mineral deposits that build up in drains and cause clogs. Here, we explain how to use baking soda and vinegar to clean and unclog a drain and prevent future issues. 

Why Drains Get Clogged 

There are many ways for a sink drain to become clogged. "Your kitchen sink works hard holding dirty dishes day after day, causing food residue to build up in the sink and the drain naturally over time,” says Bree Lemmen, kitchen brand manager for Whirlpool. "A sink gets clogged once this buildup causes a blockage, which is why it's best to include the sink to your regular cleaning routine.” 

Bathroom sinks (and showers, too) frequently become clogged due to hair buildup or product and soap residue. "Bathroom sink drains can become clogged due to the accumulation of soap residue, toothpaste, and other products," says Val Oliveira, CEO of Val's Cleaning Services. "Hair is common for drain blockages. As hair descends the drain, it can form clumps, restricting the flow of water.” 

How Often to Clean Your Drains

How often you unclog your sink drain comes down to how often is backs up—but you can take preventative measures on a weekly basis to reduce blockages. "If you start to notice slow drainage or clogs, this means that it's time for cleaning," says Oliverira. "Some drains, like those in busy kitchens, may need more frequent cleaning due to the substances that go down."

Modern kitchen sink

KatarzynaBialasiewicz / GETTY IMAGES

How to Unclog a Drain With Baking Soda and Vinegar

Cleaning your sink drain with baking soda and vinegar is a highly effective way to treat minor clogs. "The combination of vinegar and baking soda triggers a chemical reaction that helps break down the clog," says Oliveira. For severe or persistent clogs, you should contact a professional plumber for assistance.

Materials Needed

Before tackling this cleaning task, be sure you have these materials on hand.

  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar or apple cider vinegar
  • Boiling water
  • Clean cloth or drain plug


Once you have your materials, you can begin unclogging your drain following the steps outlined below.

  1. If your sink has standing water, use a bucket to eliminate as much as possible.
  2. Pour 1/2 cup of baking soda down the drain.
  3. Pour 1/2 cup of vinegar into the drain slowly.
  4. Immediately cover the drain with a clean cloth or drain plug to enhance the effectiveness of the foaming action.
  5. Let the baking soda and vinegar mixture sit for about 30 minutes to an hour, then remove the cloth or drain plug.
  6. Boil a pot of water.
  7. Pour it slowly into the drain, giving it time to move through the pipes.
  8. Let water flow from the tap to see how well it drains.
  9. If the clog remains, you may need to repeat the process.
Clean sink drain

adavino / GETTY IMAGES

How to Keep Your Sink Drain Clean and Prevent Clogs

Prevention is key when it comes to keeping your sink drain clog-free. Beyond regular cleaning, there are some other measures you can take to reduce blockages.

Flush With Hot Water

Pour hot water down your sink once a week. "Hot water helps dissolve and wash away grease and other debris that can accumulate in the pipes," says Oliveira.

Install Drain Strainers

Placing drain strainers or stoppers in your sink will help catch food particles, hair, and other debris that can clog your sink. "Empty the collected debris from the strainers regularly to prevent buildup," says Oliveira.

Watch What You Put Down the Sink

Certain things, like grease and oil, can solidify inside your pipes and cause clogs. Dispose of those ingredients (as well as food scraps) in the trash rather than pouring them down your sink. "This helps prevent food particles from accumulating and causing drain blockages," says Oliveira.

Use Cold Water With the Garbage Disposal

If you have a garbage disposal, let a steady flow of cold water run down your sink drain while you use it. "Cold water solidifies fats and oils, allowing the disposal to chop them into smaller pieces and flush them away more effectively," says Oliveira.

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