A New Survey Reveals That Gardeners Across the Country Are Growing Their Own Food to Cut Grocery Costs

Respondents also shared that starting their own garden helped their eating habits and boosted their mental health.

Growing your own produce in your garden is a simple way to ensure you always have fresh, delicious fruits and vegetables at your fingertips. Another benefit associated with starting our own backyard garden? You can save money at the grocery store. According to a new survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Tower Garden, 65 percent of people started their own gardens during this past year; out of this group of survey participants, 75 percent noted that it's their new hobby, 86 percent have eaten their food, and 39 percent saved money on produce because they now have to buy less.

The gardening-centric survey found that most participants are sticking to this hobby for a number of reasons. Out of the 2,000 respondents, two in three believe that you can have greater control and understand on where your food is sourced when you grow it at home. Plus, 50 percent of people surveyed said they first considered joining a community garden to rely less on going to grocery stores altogether. In terms of what people are growing in their backyards, window sills, and other areas designated for their gardens? About 70 percent of people have tomatoes on their "to grow" list, 52 percent for herbs, 49 percent for flowers, and 47 percent for cucumbers. And 32 percent even grow produce from the items they purchase at the grocery store.

Gardener arranging ripe tomatoes in a crate
pixelfit / Getty Images

"Given the past year, it's not surprising that 65 percent of those surveyed have turned to gardening as we've seen more consumers purchase gardening products," David Henard, the senior director and GM of Global Tower Garden, said in a statement. "We're discovering that more people are finding ways to take control of their own food supply, and one way of doing so is by growing your own food at home."

While growing produce in a personal garden is a money saver—the average American spends $45.25 on fruits and vegetables during their trips to the grocery store each month on average—that's not the only benefit. An additional 62 percent of respondents noted that a garden would boost their diet and 71 percent believe that it would be helpful for mental health. And it's a pretty accessible practice. "A common misconception is that gardening requires plenty of space and soil, or having a full backyard," Henard says. "Growing flowers or produce is more accessible than people think, and by growing vertically you can save both the space, water, time and energy that traditional garden growing requires."

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